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Publish bulk campaigns

Elevate your social media game with Postly's Bulk posting and exclusive Cloud system!

How it works

  • [object Object]

    Bulk post guide

    General guide:

    Meta API

    1. 1. You must adhere to the CSV template format.
    2. 2. Do not delete or rename any of the header information. Delete any columns that you do not require for the post.
    3. 3. This CSV template file hosted online cannot be edited directly, please make a copy or download it as a CSV file before updating it with your own content.
    4. 4. You should connect only the platform channels you want to publish to before uploading the bulk upload CVS file, otherwise, the content will be published to all the connected channels.
    5. 5. To avoid disconnecting and reconnecting platforms numerous times, please use different Workspaces for your different platforms.
    6. 6. You can publish a maximum of 500 rows and a minimum of 4 rows at once.
    7. 7. Delete all the instructions on the CSV file before uploading. Only the post content is required for the publishing process.

    CSV upload guide:

    1. 1. Download and update the CSV template file. You must adhere to the file format and follow the instructions listed above to avoid publishing issues.
    2. 2. Import media links: With our Postly Cloud system (recommended), we have provided a unified hosting platform for your media content (images and videos). We have also made it easier for you to extract your image and video links and publish faster.
    3. 3. It is very easy to use: upload you images, select them and export the links to a CSV file which you can then update for you Bulk posting.
    4. 4. Upload your final CSV file: Ready with your CSV file for bulk content posting? Upload it to start the publishing process.
    5. 5. Bulk posting via CSV file is very delicate and the images and videos MUST be in a publicly accessible site, Google Drive, Dropbox, etc are not publicly accessible sites.

    Image and video URL guide:

    1. 1. Multiple Images can be added, each image URL is separated by a comma.
    2. 2. The image must be from a publicly accessible platform.
    3. 3. This CSV template file hosted online cannot be edited directly, please make a copy or download it as a CSV file before updating it with your own content.
    4. 4. Please do not use Google Drive or Dropbox for the image or video storage as the URL will not work.
    5. 5. Only a single video URL can be published at a time.
    6. 6. The image URL must have direct access to the image file. Typical Image URL end with the file extensions: e.g.
    7. 7. Video format: wrong URL= : right URL=
    8. 7. The image and video URL rules do not apply to URLs exported from the Postly Cloud. Postly Cloud has been optimized for bulk posting and it is more user-friendly.

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